.. image:: ../data/treetime-logo.png :align: left :scale: 50% *TreeTime* is a general data organisation, management and analysis tool using linked trees instead of flat lists of tables. A tree is a hierarchical structure that arranges your data into units and sub-units. Mathematical functions (sum, difference, mean, ratio) can be calculated recursively. Linked trees are distinct trees that share data between them. In *TreeTime*, a data object is part of several trees at the same time. *TreeTime* is a time planner, a to-do list manager, a test report tool, a project planner, a family ancestry editor, a mind-mapping tool, and similar. Content ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 introduction data-format data-fields tree-fields releases * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`